Call for Papers
School of Nursing, Maltepe University, İstanbul, TURKEY
MARCH 17th ,18th 2016
School of Nursing Students Local Organizing Committee at Maltepe University is pleased to announce the call for papers for the undergraduate students’ conference on “MIGRATION-HEALTH-NURSE” to be held at Maltepe University on 17-18 March 2016.
We welcome submissions for individual papers that should be addressing
- Migration and Women- Men-Child Health
- Migration and Mental Health
- Migration and Social Health
- Migration and Violence
- Migration and Discrimination
- Migration and Health Services /Resources Planning
- Removing Barriers While Providing Health Care to Immigrants
- Migration and Early Support Systems
- Migration and Cultural Competency of Nurses
- Case Report
- The Stories of Immigrants and Health Workers about Migration
Abstracts can be submitted via e-mail to nursecongress@maltepe.edu.tr by 05 February 2016 and contain a clear outline of theoretical framework, methodology and results.
The text of the abstracts should be submitted in English ONLY, in a separate Word document in the following format: max. 300-400 words, 1.5 line spaced Arial (Plain) 11-point font (except for title which should be 14-point font), A4 size page formatting, with the page margins of 2.5 cm from the left, top and bottom and 2 cm from the right.
We encourage lecturers, teachers and professors to circulate this call widely across your undergraduate students. This will be a unique occasion to visit the legendary city of Istanbul, where you can enjoy the harmony of cultures, harmony of people & the rhythm of diversities. Istanbul is the only city in the world where you can enjoy your meal with the landscape of another continent. (http://english.istanbul.com/) There will be plenty of opportunities for socialization and organized trips.
Please circulate this call widely across undergraduate nursing students and first year of master's degree students. This will be a unique occasion to visit the city of Istanbul. Participating students will be joining fellow students from Turkey and across the world to debate the raising issues in the area of mıgratıon healt and nursıng conference organized by students for students, with the support of staff at Maltepe University's School of Nursing.
05 February 2016 Deadline for submission of abstracts
15 February 2016 Announcement of accepted papers
17-18 March 2016 MIGRATION-HEALTH-NURSE 2016 Congress
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at nursecongress@maltepe.edu.tr or visit our website at nursecongress.maltepe.edu.tr
PS.: There is NO Registration Fee!
Participants attending the conference will be hosted by Maltepe University at our 5-star Marma Congress Centre (www.marmakongremerkezi.com). Participants will only have to pay their travel expenses. All congress participants will accomodate in Marma Congress Hotel for 4 days and hotel expenses will be covered by Maltepe University.
MIGRATION-HEALTH-NURSING 2016 Organization Committee
You can also contact us via Facebook and Twitter:
With our best regards.
© T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2012 Marmara Eğitim Köyü 34857 Maltepe-İSTANBUL Tel:(+90216) 626 10 50 (2235) Fax:(+90216) 626 11 13 fas@maltepe.edu.tr